Hi Greil: Just read your 1979 Rolling Stone interview with John Irving. Best piece about an author I ever read. Any plans on reviewing The Last Chairlift? —DAVID HAMBURG, Montreal I picked up a very battered copy of The Cider House Rules in a Little Library on my street last year and took it home and read it straight through. (Then it fell apart.) It had always been one of my favorite Irving novels (also the movie) but I was shocked at how powerful it was now, how effectively interwoven the themes, how moving, how stark. (Though I couldn’t picture anyone but Toby Maguire as Homer.) I’m unsure about
I was rather hoping Arlo and family could go visit our daughters bakery in western Mass actually and since I’m in Worcester - Central Mass area, I always need bakery knowledge driving all over the place
I like what Glen L said - I’m a getting Long in the tooth reader- I read the hardcover about Dylan and Woody Guthrie- more important living in a state where my dad would ask us moral questions- such as if you knew you had a disease ... would get married( Breed) pass it in?
He also like to ask what would you do if you were driving and an animal - dog, chicken, frog walked in front of your hurtling 🚗
Thanks for your response.
I was rather hoping Arlo and family could go visit our daughters bakery in western Mass actually and since I’m in Worcester - Central Mass area, I always need bakery knowledge driving all over the place
I like what Glen L said - I’m a getting Long in the tooth reader- I read the hardcover about Dylan and Woody Guthrie- more important living in a state where my dad would ask us moral questions- such as if you knew you had a disease ... would get married( Breed) pass it in?
He also like to ask what would you do if you were driving and an animal - dog, chicken, frog walked in front of your hurtling 🚗
Kerry thought update.... please continue....
had followed