Thanks. This is wonderful, Particularly enjoyed the comments toward the end about the artists’ desire to play the songs; to try and make them their own in some way. “Seek and ye shall find” indeed!

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Moles are regarded as loathsome & disgusting? I’d never heard that; probably evidence of a sheltered life.

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Fascinating! I hadn't realized the extent of Smith's influence on the arts and culture. How huge and pervasive it's been, and how it's still evolving and sprouting new leaves and scattering seeds throughout the worlds of literature, music, film, fine arts, theatre, and life. You've done a great job introducing and guiding us into his very complex oeuvre. Thanks

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I’ve read but a scintilla of your work but keep several volumes nearby. I bought “Folk Music” — along with 60 copies of AG “Howl” at City Lights last month — then gifted it to Steve Poltz.

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Nice to match the voice to the name.

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