Thank you, Greil for sharing the story of your father with us. It could not have been easy to remember and retell the story of his death. Ironic that you and Robbie Robertson both had fathers whom you never got to know because they were killed before your births. Whether or not you and the late Mr. Robertson ever shared this information, I'm sure on some level it bonded you both to one another.

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Oh my wow, Greil. What a powerful presentation! Brilliant - kind of a gut punch and a gut check, really, about being a creative human being. I loved this so much. I want to share, while knowing that having read most everything name-checked herein gives me somewhat of an advantage. But share i will. Thank you for this.

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Great work, Greil. Must have been a difficult presentation--emotional and painful, powerful, and yet funny, as well, but you did it all justice. Thanks for sharing this. I love how you reference Huey "Piano" Smith and Richard Belzer in the same breath--a great little example of the unique correlations that have always been a part of what makes your writing so interesting and unique, and fun. Take care of yourself

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I only write because I love Christ and the Church and want Him to come back sooner than later. Overcomers need to be called out of religion politics economics Wall Street literary pretension speaking with forked tongues..Dylan ‘while pound& TSEliit argue on Titanic’s sinking decks

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I am producing a Flamin’ Groovies concert, October 7 in palo alto I don’t know anything about the group other than they are sort of managed by someone who is sort of my attorney and they were written up in your book, shake some action. If you can excuse a further self-serving digression, it’s also the 69th anniversary of the reading of Howl. It’s a Lytton Plaza, which some people think should be called Action Plaza, because of April 1969, direct action against the war.

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Greil, thank you for writing and telling your story. I have always wondered about this mystery. (I’ll share with Zoë and Zara.) Unknowingly, you’ve been my distant mentor writer since we first met. Thank you for sharing why you write. xo Ixchel (aka Tiffany)

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